Knowing Your Boundaries in Relationships
It is wonderful to be in love, but it can be confusing to know what is acceptable in a relationship. You have just as many rights as you do responsibilities in a healthy loving relationship (friendship, work-ship, etc.). Please review this and try to memorize them.
I have the right not to be abused - physically, emotionally, or sexually.
I have the right to fall out of love with someone.
I have the right to express my thoughts and opinions.
I have the right to have my needs be as important as my partner’s.
I have the right to grow as an individual.
I have the right to change my mind.
I have the right to have friends of my own.
I have the right to say no.
It is my responsibility to not inflict physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse.
It is my responsibility to accept my own behaviors.
I am accountable for behaviors acted under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
It is my responsibility to receive counseling if I realize I need professional assistance.
It is my responsibility to find support if I realize I am being abused.
It is my responsibility to recognize and express my needs.
It is my responsibility to understand that this relationship is only one part of my entire life.
It is my responsibility to make good decisions for myself.