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  • ma18131

Cybersex Problem

Updated: Apr 29

Every second, over three thousand dollars is spent on pornography, and two hundred porn websites are created daily. It is a fifty-seven-dollar industry. The online pornography business has a 3% profit margin. 

Pornography was once seen as a healthy part of a couple’s relationship, but this is not the current consensus. Problems arise because real life cannot live up to the intensity of online pornography, and cybersex is experienced as infidelity.

Pornography grabs the most significant audience with “barely legal” content, and when that content is consumed, there is a need for more content. Even if you do not intend to consume a type of content, you accidentally run into a pic or gif that will capture your attention. This perusing can lead to illegal material because the dependence needs to be fed. As such, pornography producers will create even more elicit content because they know how to hook people in and pay. The business also wants to trap consumers as young as possible because the younger they are, the longer they will be shelling out money. People with a dependence are the best type of customers because they will pay anything to get a hit.

The majority of cybersex consumers are not dependent on pornography. However, many can devolve into endless content and highly arousing material. It is an affordable, accessible, and anonymous source of sexual pleasure compared to real life. Cybersex dependence afflicts more individuals than gambling and eating disorder persons combined. 

Successful treatment of cybersex dependence takes about three to five years. It takes 40 days to reach sobriety. It requires 20 minutes of recovery work in the morning (e.g., checking in with recovery partner, journaling, etc.) and 20 minutes at night (e.g., meditation, checking in with recovery partner, etc.). Repetition and regularity are the factors to change. Treatment also requires support from friends, your romantic partner, and a recovery group. You cannot and will not succeed in isolation. It would help if you reconnected with real-life relationships. There is a predictable recovery process, and it has stages of development, milestones of progress, and tasks to accomplish. 

To learn more, please get in touch with your local support group or therapist.

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